Saturday, December 10, 2005

Are you a home-bred heavy Indian?

Well...I used to be! And I am not anymore. Give me 2 months, I will be the healthiest athlete you would ever have seen. Those who know me may wonder how on earth is that possible. The answer is...flee!
Well, I was just 73 kilos when I left my college...and I soon reduced it to just 68 (thanks to a lot of reasons). I looked perfectly healthy at that point and then the inevitable happened. I started working. I started to put on weight at an incredible half a pound a week and within an year, I weighed 83 kilograms! Thanksfully, the acceleration was over, and the weight stabilized at that point. When someone asked me weight, I would answer 85. An year at work did a lot to me, pal...But this was one thing I never wanted.
The story looks familar, right? I know a third of those who are reading this have either gone through it or are poised to go through it. So, ask me, how much do I weigh now. The answer is 73! Oh yeah, it is a magic figure. I have gone back to it. Gone back to where it all started three and a half year back. And the way I achieved it was plain simple. I was transplanted to a different country altogether. I had to cook my own food, and man! I am a vey horrible cook. I don't know the basics, I should say, and you can't eat bread-butter-jam three times a day, for seven days a week. So the nature takes over and the excess fat your body had accumulated over the years is burnt down. And if you are to live at a sub-zero temperature always, some more fat is burnt to keep you warm. Yupp! That is it. By the time your body starts telling you that there isn't anymore fat to be burnt, you would have become an expert cook (or so I hope) and you go on to maintain a wonderful equillibrium. So take my advice, Mr fat guy...flee...Go to a place which is right at the other corner on the globe (does the globe have corners, by the way? I am too week in 3-D geometry, you know!)
By the way, if you are already lean, stay off the way, OK? If you are going to try this out, you might not get to see a week going past you! And for those lean ones trying to be still leaner, I have a request...understand that this worls is a place for fat people. You can't beat us. Better join us :-)


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