Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Apt World

Blog is something new to me. Relatively very very new. Unless I had this Toshiba M100 machine on my lap(which of course, my company so dutifully gave to me, hoping I would be able to perform my everyday tasks better with this) I wouldn't have probably writing this at all. And I have way too many things to pen down..err...key down, that I end up writing nothing. But this is not going to be the case any more. I have decided that I am game. So be prepared for the risk of having to add one more url to your favorites' list. A statutory warning first: You might probably end up taking nothing back from this page. Not even your mind.
Hahaha...I know by now you would have aquired the wisdom and an understanding about me to know that I write way too bad for my warning to be ever true. Anyways, if you don't mind, scroll down and have some fun. even if it wasn't any fun, do provide me your feedbacks, please.


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